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Head Injury Compensation Sought By Football Fan

A 19-year-old football fan who had a brick thrown at his head following a football match is planning to make a compensation claim for a head injury following the incident.

Prior to the injury, trouble had already broken out between fans at the Europa league tie game in Belgium. The injured man says that the police did nothing to help the situation. He said he had blood pouring from his head at one point but a police officer pushed him away when he asked for emergency help.

Fractured Skull

The fan said that while he was waiting inside the stadium the police moved him and some others towards a pub which was full of opposition fans and where bottles and bricks were being thrown. After being hit in the head with the brick he said that initially, he thought that he had just received a bump on the head as a result, he said: “But I went to hospital in Belgium. They gave me an x-ray and told me I had fractured my skull. I was told to get the ferry back and go straight to Hull Royal Infirmary.”

Brain Injury Surgery

He had to undergo five hours of surgery to save his life and have six metal plates fitted. Since the operation, he has not been able to go back to work is still not likely to be able to return for some weeks to come. He is not sure why the police took them past the other fans in the pub which is well-known to be full of fans from the opposition team. He wants the Criminal Injuries Compensation Association to deal with his claim if possible and said that he didn’t think an apology from the police was enough; he said they knew what they were doing and did nothing to help.

CICA has said it will not be able to assist in this instance it says because the incident occurred in Belgium. Other football fans have been disgusted by the behaviour shown by certain people following the match and they have been branded ‘hooligans’. The club that the man supported is offering help and advice to its fan. A spokesperson for the club said: “To hear of such a horrible incident affecting one of our truly loyal fans, who went to Belgium to support the club, was awful.”

Claiming Head Injury Compensation With Jefferies

If you believe you have a valid brain injury compensation claim then please get in touch. Please call us on our national accident helpline number or complete one of our online claim forms.

Published 11th February 2015.