Injury Claims Against a Landlord
Personal injury claims against a landlord can come about for a number of different reasons. If you have been injured as a tenant and can prove that the accident was the fault of your landlord you could have a valid claim.
There are many accidents in the home every year with millions of people needing to visit Accident and Emergency departments across the country. Thousands of these accidents result in death.
Some of these incidents can happen to tenants who have had an accident in the house they rent from a landlord. Owners of property have a legal duty to ensure the houses they rent out are safe for their tenants. Another legal requirement is that they make sure there is valid house insurance on the property they own.
Types of Claims Against A landlord
If you are wondering whether your circumstances are typical of those of an individual claiming against a landlord, have a look at some of the examples below. It is worth remembering, however, that no two cases are the same:
- Slipping or tripping on hazards in your house which a landlord is responsible for creating.
- Electric shocks can happen as a result of exposed wires left by work carried out by your landlord.
- Other DIY work, for example, if a window has been fitted incorrectly, it could fall on you, or renovation work may lead to dangers, causing an accident.
Succeeding in Your Personal Injury Claim Against A Landlord Case
In all personal injury cases, it is important to prove that the blame was down to a third party and making a claim against a landlord is no different. You should always report your accident to your landlord as soon as you can and keep hold of medical receipts, including receipts for travel to appointments. These can help if you are hoping to recover medical expenses in your compensation claim. Also, if there is an opportunity, you should take photographs of the area where you had the accident, highlighting the dangers that were present.
How Jefferies can help
If you would like more information about how to begin your claim oen please get in touch with Jefferies on 0333 358 3034.
Make a claim now by calling 0333 358 3034 or
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