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Headway Recognises Progress In Work Capability Review

Assessments carried out to determine an individual’s ability to work have undergone a fourth review which has been welcomed by leading brain injury charity, Headway UK.

The Work Capability Assessments are an integral part of the Employment and Support Allowance application and as part of their review, headway took part in the consultation process. The charity still says that more is needed to be done to make sure the assessments are improved as much as possible and brain injuries are recognised as a specific condition and not treated under the umbrella term of ‘mental health’.

One of the major changes is that there will be a consideration for a reassessment period of 5 years for those with severe incapacity and the likelihood their condition is not going to change. This type of situation can be true of many people who have experienced a severe brain injury.

Chief Executive of Headway, Peter McCabe said that it welcomes the consideration to extend the reassessment period for people with brain disorders. He said: “We know the frustration and stress that can be caused by having to be reassessed for ESA every two years when there is no realistic prospect of an individual’s condition improving in that time frame.

He said that the 5-year gap would ‘ease the burden of individuals and their families who can have a great deal of difficulty actually getting to the appointments.

Lack of Brain Injury Understanding

The report has a specific segment on brain disorders which comprises part of the mental health section. Peter McCabe says that there is a general feeling of lack of understanding by service users from assessors and that the report does not address this and that the lack of information on it is ‘conspicuous by its absence’.

He added: “However, despite the obvious defect of brain injury being included in the ‘Mental Health’ category recommendations have to be welcomed – even if they are long overdue.”

Have You Been Affected By A Brain Injury?

If you or a member of your family has been affected by a brain injury then you can sometimes feel like there is a lack of understanding for your condition. A lot of research is still being undertaken about brain injuries and there is still more to be discovered.

If you have had a brain injury that was not your fault and would like to know more about pursuing a successful personal injury claim then please get in touch today on 0333 358 3034 or fill in an online claim form.

Published 13th February 2015.