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Recognising International Disability Day

Wednesday 3rd December is the International Day of People with a Disability. The date first came into use by the United Nations General Assembly and although it is a day primarily acknowledged in the US, the aim is to raise awareness of those who have a disability, throughout the world. It also seeks to provide more information about the rights and welfare of people who have a disability.

History Of The Date

First started in 1992, Disability Day dates back to 1981, which was heralded as the International Year of Disabled Persons. The day is now marked by a series of different events which help to highlight the issues of disabled people. Such events include discussions, forums, seminars, campaigns and social events organised by various community groups. There is also a film festival held by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs held at UN headquarters which includes short disability-related films.

Disability Day Themes

Each year there is a new theme, this year’s theme is Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology and it focuses on three main issues:

  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency responses
  • Creating Enabling Working Environments
  • Disability-inclusive sustainable Development goals

Previous Themes

In previous years, there have been different themes including Decent Work for persons with disabilities in 2007; Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all and last year, the theme was Break Barriers, Open Doors; for an inclusive society and development for all.

Preventing Disabilities

International Disability Day was also started to do as much as possible to prevent disabilities. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who, having experienced an injury, have also been left with a disability. This disability may be lifelong or temporary and is something that takes time to adjust to, for not only a person who is affected by also for friends and family.

If you believe you have suffered in an accident that was no fault of your own, then you could be eligible to make a compensation claim. A compensation settlement can pay for all or some of the specialist care you may need.

Making A Claim With Jefferies For more advice and information please get in touch call us on our national accident helpline number  0333 358 3034 or complete one of our online claim forms.

Published 3rd December 2014.