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Road Traffic Accidents Near Schools Statistics

New research into road traffic accidents has revealed there is a high number of children involved in accidents near British schools.

RTA Figures Produced By Insurance Industry

The figures, which have been provided by the insurance industry have been rebuked by the government who say that road traffic deaths have fallen significantly in recent years.

The new data which studied 85,814 child casualties over 5 years, pointed towards a trend that saw a large portion of schools having at least one child injury per year during the period 2006 – 2011.

Survey By Road Safety Analysis And AXA Car Insurance

The survey was conducted jointly by Road Safety Analysis and AXA Car Insurance and was presented in terms of location. It showed that London was one of the high-risk areas for road traffic accidents near schools accounting for 13% of child casualties followed by Liverpool next, then Manchester, Birmingham and Leicester.

The results did not highlight when the accidents took place (some could have been during the school holidays) and it was not clear whether or not the road traffic accident victims were pedestrians, cyclists or car passengers.

An online tool has now been developed for parents in the hope they will understand more about road traffic risks around local schools. On the website, there will be statistics showing the number of vehicle collisions that have happened within a 500 m distance from the school.

Speaking for Road Safety Analysis, director Dan Campsall said: “Translating this wealth of data into something that is meaningful for parents, teachers and community leaders has its challenges.

Road Risks Around Local Schools

He added that it was important to understand the immediate road risks around local schools in an effort to make safer communities for children in the future. He said that the data can be used to support further changes to protect pupils.

Conversely, government information demonstrates that in 2012 there was a 6% decrease in the number of children killed or seriously injured on roads and that child casualties were down 11% on the previous year.

“Road deaths are at a record low and child casualties have fallen considerably in recent years but I am determined to make our roads even safer,” said Road Safety Minister Stephen Hammond.

Making A Road Traffic Accident Claim

If you feel that you have cause to make a claim for compensation following a road traffic accident, contact our team on 0800 324 3206 or fill out our online injury claim form today.

Published 13th February 2015.