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A High-Risk Illness for Ship Workers

Claims For Asbestos Related Conditions

Asbestos related illness still poses as a high-risk illness for ship workers. Although they may have worked in dockyards many years ago when asbestos was used in ship building, severe health conditions may only surface decades later.

This extensive historical use of asbestos in the maritime industry may see some workers facing serious diseases. This may include conditions such as lung cancer, mesothelioma or asbestosis.

If you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related illness which was not your fault, Jefferies Claims may be able to help you.

Is Asbestos Still Used in Shipbuilding?

The use of asbestos in shipbuilding has been banned here and in many other countries. However, older ships built before these regulations may still contain asbestos materials. Workers involved in the maintenance, refurbishment, or dismantling of such vessels remain at risk of exposure.

Additionally, ships imported from countries where asbestos regulations are less strict may still contain asbestos components. This can present an ongoing threat. Proper safety protocols and asbestos management strategies are crucial to prevent exposure for ship workers handling older vessels.

A High-Risk Illness for Ship Workers

Ship workers are particularly vulnerable to asbestos exposure. Still considered a significant occupational hazard, asbestos was commonly used in:

  • Insulation for pipes, boilers, and engines
  • Fireproofing materials
  • Gaskets and seals
  • Ceiling tiles and bulkheads
  • Floor coverings

Due to the confined nature of ships, asbestos fibres released during repairs, maintenance, or demolition were easily inhaled, significantly increasing the risk of disease.

Red Flags: Symptoms and Warning Signs

Asbestos-related diseases often take decades to develop. Symptoms may appeat 20-50 years after exposure. Key red flags indicating potential asbestos-related illness include:

  • Persistent cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue and unexplained weight loss
  • Wheezing or hoarseness
  • Fluid build-up around the lungs

Workers who experience these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention and inform their doctor about their occupational history. It’s important to understand that early diagnosis is critical for treatment options.

Personal Injury Claims

Knowing the process for claiming compensation is crucial for affected workers and their families. Workers can file a claim against former employers if it can be proven that negligence led to asbestos exposure. Employers had a duty to protect workers, and failing to provide adequate protective measures can establish liability.

Finding Past Employers

Many ship workers may find it difficult to trace past employers, particularly if the company no longer exists. However, legal experts can help track historical insurance records. Additionally, if you are making a claim, you will need to gather your medical evidence, witness testimonies, and employment records to support their case.

Steps to Take For Compensation

If you are experiencing symptoms, it is critical to consult your GP. You may want to request a specialist referral for asbestos-related conditions. Document workplaces where your exposure may have occurred. This should include your duties and timeframes.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness which was due to negligence in the workplace, Jefferies Claims can guide you through the process. We work with highly experienced lawyers in this field who operate on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis. We will give you the support and understanding you need at this difficult time. Call us at 0333 358 3034 or visit Jefferies Claims Contact Us Page for a free. no-obligation consultation with a member of our team.