ACL Injury Claims
Are you hoping to make a claim for an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear?
Call our friendly team of experts to discuss your potential claim on 0333 358 3034 or contact us via our website.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Claims
Non-contact tears or ruptures can lead to this common type of knee injury. Many athletes will experience ACL at some point. Sometimes the injury results in knee instability which may trigger other ligament-related issues, causing more damage, immobility and sometimes requiring major surgery. The middle of the ligament or the joining point between the thigh bone and ligament are the two most common areas where a tear might occur.
The main symptoms are:
- A popping sound during motion of the knee
- Swelling around the knee
- Severe pain from the knee
A medical professional should be contacted for advice if you have suffered damage to your knee. Do not ignore these symptoms.
Injury can take place when the leg is moved forcefully downward and the foot stops suddenly, hitting the ground with speed. This type of injury can also occur when the knee is impacted from the side. Workplace hazards can also contribute to the twisting of the knee which can put a burden on the ACL. Sports such as football, squash, volleyball, tennis and basketball are frequently the root causes of this type of injury.
How to claim
Sometimes the cause of anterior cruciate ligament injury is clinical negligence. You will need to be seen by a medical professional who will conduct three tests in order to provide evidence that you suffered an ACL injury.
Types of ACL Injury
There are three main grades of ACL injury ranging from least severe (1) to most severe (3):
Grade One: where the ligament fibres are stretched but not torn. Can be accompanied by slight swelling and inflammation around the knee.
Grade Two: some of the ligament fibres have stretched too far and have ended up tearing. In this case, the pain and swelling are very apparent and can cause the knee to struggle under your weight.
Grade Three: a complete ‘rupture’ or tear where there is swelling around the knee and the pain is very serious. People at this stage are usually very unbalanced when shifting weight onto their knees.
ACL Recovery and Repair
The extent of the damage will determine the type of recovery that will be required and will be confirmed by a medical assessment by a professional.
Sometimes surgery is needed but alternative options could be available, for example, physiotherapy. It is important to avoid delaying surgery as this could potentially lead to osteoarthritis developing further down the line. The surgery usually involves repairing the tear or reconstructing the ligament. These operations are effective and normally restore knee function in roughly eighty percent of cases.
In some cases – approximately twenty percent – patients could encounter stiffness and long-term weakness in the knee. This can also be accompanied by pain after surgery behind the kneecap.
A compensation claim may be appropriate if there is any medical negligence by the healthcare professionals treating your ACL injury. This could be down to surgical errors, medication mistakes, incorrect diagnosis, or failing to fully brief the patient on the risks of the operation.
How long will a claim take?
The severity of the injury will dictate how long the claim will take, but it has been known to take up to two years or more. It is therefore advisable to seek legal advice without delay.
Claiming compensation for ACL injuries
We recommend that you contact us if you believe that you have an ACL injury claim.
Contact us on 0333 358 3034 today or get in touch with our friendly team online via our online form.