Compensation for Stabbing
If you have been the victim of a violent incident and suffered stab injuries that were not your fault, you may be able to claim compensation.
Unfortunately, there has been a large rise in the levels of knife crime and stab wounds in the UK over the last few years. A stab wound can be relatively minor, causing an outer flesh wound, however, a stab wound can be much more serious.
Contact the claims experts
If you have been stabbed at work or in a public place then contact us on 0333 358 3034 or get in touch online.
Do I Need a Solicitor to Help Me Claim Compensation for Stabbing?
The Criminal Injuries Claims Authority (CICA) was set up to ensure that blameless victims of crimes of violence have an opportunity to seek compensation for injuries they suffered whether physical or psychological.
For your case to be accepted by the CICA, you would have to meet the strict criteria as set out by the scheme. It is important that you seek legal advice because there are very strict rules and time limits that must be respected to avoid having your case rejected.
What Sort of Stab Injuries Do the CICA Deem Claimable?
Any type of stab wound would typically leave you with some type of scar and to claim for this you would need to provide photos of the scars you have sustained which would determine whether your claim would be eligible.
A specialist solicitor would be able to judge whether the stab wound you suffered left you with scars that are significant enough.
What other stabbing injuries can you receive compensation for?
Stabbings often cause tendon damage to arms and legs. Both of these injuries are eligible for compensation if they cause continuing significant difficulty. The CICA can also pay compensation for a punctured lung and an organ that needs to be operated on or removed.
Being the victim of a stabbing incident is a very traumatic ordeal. It can also have a significant impact on your future quality of life. If you have been the victim of a violent assault that has resulted in a stab wound, you may be eligible to receive compensation.
Start your claim today
If you think you might have a case for a stab injury claim, please contact us for informal advice.
You can either call us free on 0333 358 3034 or enquire online and one of our team will be in touch with you to discuss your potential personal injury claim in more detail.