Injury Claims for Lab Assistants
Injury Claims for Lab Assistants Lab assistants can face hazards on a daily basis and may want to make an injury claim if injured at work. Working in a laboratory environment comes with various occupational hazards. If you have suffered an injury while working as a lab assistant through emplo...
Read MoreSilicosis Risk For Young Workers
Silicosis Risk For Young Workers A sudden rise in silicosis disease has highlighted a previously unrecognised risk for young workers. Silicosis used to be regarded a lung disease which affected older workers who had been exposed to toxic dust for many years. But the popularity of artificial sto...
Read MoreHow To Remove Silica Dust From Lungs
How To Remove Silica Dust From Lungs Silica dust may cause severe lung disease, so if inhaled, can it be removed ? As silica dust is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, you can be breathing it in without you even realising it. It is found in stone rock, sand and gravel, while the most common...
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