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Whilst it might look pretty, ice and snow can cause challenging conditions for drivers and pedestrians. Extra precautions should be taken in these conditions such as ensuring that vehicles are fit for the road and that pedestrians are suitably equipped, such as wearing supportive footwear.  

This article aims to provide some tips and advice on how you can ensure your safety and that of others in the ice and snow. 


It’s illegal to drive with ice on your windscreen 

Did you know that it’s illegal to drive with ice on your windscreen? You could be fined if your windscreen is obstructed.  Rule 229 of the Highway Code says: “Before you set off you must be able to see, so clear all snow and ice from all your windows.” 

 Make sure your windows are fully de-iced before taking to the road. 

Clear the Snow 

It’s not illegal to drive with snow on your roof, but, if it falls onto your windscreen or into the path of another vehicle then you could be fined for driving without due consideration. Make sure your vehicle is clear of snow before moving off. 

Misty windows 

The Highway code states that it’s also illegal to drive with poor visibility so make sure your windscreen is completely defrosted before driving, you can do this without any pressure by simply allowing yourself more time to defrost your car before moving. A top hack from the RAC is to ‘clean your windscreen with shaving foam. This protective barrier won’t last forever and may need to be repeated regularly, but a windscreen cleaned with shaving foam will be less likely to mist up.’ 

Preparation is key 

In winter it’s best to prepared for those just in case moments. If it’s snowing outside and you have to go out make sure your vehicle is equipped with a few key essentials just in case items such as a high-visibility jacket, blanket, some food and drink and a charged mobile phone. A full list of what to pack in an emergency kit is provided by the The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA), access their excellent advice here https://www.rospa.com/media/documents/road-safety/factsheets/winter-driving-factsheet.pdf 


The cold weather presents challenges to pedestrians too. You might choose to swap your car for walking, or you may not have any option but to walk. Facing the ice and snow on foot can present testing circumstances for pedestrians which can be helped by following these tips:  

Walk like a penguin 

If you’re walking in the ice and snow a key tip is to just slow down. Take small steps, keep your hands free to help you balance and walk slowly. If you think about how a penguin walks and try and copy that you’re on the right track. 


Wearing the appropriate footwear will help you to avoid slipping and falling. Supportive footwear is ideal, such as boots or footwear with a good tread. 


Finally, avoid using your phone when you’re walking in the ice and snow. Not only will it distract you from concentrating on walking safely leading to a slip and fall, but if you’re not aware of your surroundings you are putting yourself at risk of getting hit by a vehicle. Put your phone in your pocket. It can wait. 

We’ve written an article on staying safe in the winter that’s packed with useful tips for pedestrians, check it out here


How can Jefferies help? 

Our specialists will be able to tell you if you are eligible to make a claim and will be able to fight your case to secure the compensation you deserve. 

Contact us by phone on 0333 358 3034 or complete our enquiry form and a member of our friendly team will be in touch as soon as possible. 







Where next? Read 

Slips, Trips and Falls Claims