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Asbestos Campaign From British Lung Foundation

A new campaign launched by the British Lung Foundation has been launched to raise awareness of asbestos risks for tradespeople.

The initiative is named Take 5 And Stay Alive and will highlight the dangers of asbestos in the workplace. One of the aims of it is to address the lack of training and information given to self-employed tradespeople and those working for small companies.

Another aim is to highlight the misconception that asbestos is not that dangerous and that some workers do not know how to identify asbestos and different types of it.

The Dangers Of Asbestos

Asbestos is widely known as one of the most overwhelming causes of death in the workplace. Research shows that up to 20 tradespeople including electricians, plumbers and joiners die every week because they have an asbestos-related illness like mesothelioma or asbestosis.

Although an asbestos ban was introduced in 2000 there are still many buildings in the UK which contain it. Many people die from diseases like asbestosis and mesothelioma because they have been exposed to the deadly substance, sometimes 4 or 5 decades ago.

Asbestos is also known for harming people who do not directly work with it. Many wives who washed their husbands asbestos contaminated clothes have also died or have been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Dr Penny Woods, CEO of the British Lung Foundation says that asbestos is the ‘biggest work-related killer’. She said: “The numbers of deaths associated with it are rising each year. Sole traders and people working for small companies are often under particular pressure to take jobs and deliver quickly, and this can sometimes put them at particular risk of asbestos exposure.”

She said that the campaign supplies tradesmen with safety know-how for asbestos, adding: “Our message is simple – taking just five minutes to assess the situation could save your life, and keep your family, friends, clients and business safe from exposure to potentially fatal asbestos dust.”

Making An Asbestos Exposure Claim

If you or a loved one has been affected due to asbestos exposure then it is possible you could make a compensation claim. Even if your exposure to asbestos was many years ago, it is still possible you could have a valid claim.

Please get in touch with Jefferies on 0333 358 3034 or complete our online claim form to gain more information about how our team can help you.

Published 13th February 2015.