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Common Injuries for Roofers

Making a ‘No Win, No Fee’ Claim

There are daily risks and common injuries for roofers at work. This is due to working up high, dealing with heavy materials and often unpredictable weather conditions. It’s a tough job and injuries may include minor cuts and bruises to life-changing accidents.

Roofing is regarded as one of the more dangerous trades. It is physically demanding as it requires balance and strength. Broken bones, burns and being hit by objects are among the high-risk injuries which roofers face every day. However, accidents may occur due to lack of proper equipment, improper training or tools which have not been maintained.

If you have been injured due to employer negligence, you may consider filing a personal injury claim. Jefferies Claims may be able to help guide you with your next steps towards compensation.

 Common Injuries Roofers Face

Roofing is a hazardous occupation and some of the most common injuries for roofers are:

Falls from Height

This may be the most dangerous risk when it comes to being exposed to serious injuries. Falling off a roof, ladder, or scaffold can result in broken bones, head injuries, spinal damage, and even fatalities. Even a fall from a single-storey roof may cause severe damage.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

Falls may sometimes be simpler. For example, slipping on a wet surface or tripping over equipment can still lead to broken bones, sprains, or nasty bruises.

Being Hit by Falling Objects

Tools, materials, or debris falling from above can cause severe head injuries, even if you are wearing a hard hat.  Falling tiles or heavy tools such as a wrench can cause some critical harm.

Cuts, Lacerations, and Puncture Wounds

Roofers may often work with sharp tools, metal sheets, and nails. A simple slip with a Stanley knife, or stepping on a stray nail, can result in a nasty cut. These may also cause infections if not treated properly.

Burns and Electrical Shocks

Many roofers work with gas torches for felt roofing or come into contact with electrical wiring. This kind of accidental exposure can lead to burns, shocks, or even electrocution in the worst cases.

Musculoskeletal Injuries

Constantly carrying heavy materials, bending, and working in awkward positions takes a toll on the body. Back injuries, knee problems, and repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are common complaints among roofers.

Heat-Related Illnesses and Hypothermia

Working in extreme heat can lead to dehydration, heatstroke, and exhaustion. However, on the flip side, working in freezing temperatures can cause hypothermia or frostbite. Icy surfaces are also hazardous when working on a roof.

What Causes Roofing Injuries?

While employers have the responsibility for keeping workers safe, lack of proper safety equipment can make roofing extremely hazardous. This may include missing harnesses, unstable ladders or inadequate scaffolding,

Inexperienced workers who have not undergone proper training may also be more likely to make mistakes. Additionally poor weather conditions, such as wind or driving rain, can turn a safe working environment into a dangerous one.

Other factors which may form part of a personal injury claim are faulty tools and equipment which have not been properly maintained. This includes ladders and scaffolding, as well as any other unsafe conditions for roofers.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Most roofing companies adhere to proper safety and health regulations regarding their employees. However, if your employer failed to provide proper training, safety gear or a secure working environment, you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim. You will have to show that the negligence directly caused your injury.

Sometimes an injury may be caused by another worker or contractor on-site and you may also be able to make a claim from the responsible party.

If you are injured, it’s important to make sure it is recorded in the company’s accident book. You should also keep proof of all medical costs and treatments. A personal injury lawyer will be able to advise you on your chances of success and guide you through the process.

At Jefferies Claims, we work with highly experienced lawyers in this field who operate on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis and we will give you the support and understanding you need. Call us at 0333 358 3034 or visit Jefferies Claims Contact Us Page to learn more.