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Le Fort Fractures in Road Accidents

Compensation for Facial Injuries Sustained In High Impact Collisions


Le Fort Fractures in road accidents are a type of facial injury. Faces are highly vulnerable to impact during traffic accidents. Le Fort Fractures are identified as fractures occurring in the midface. If left untreated, these fractures can have serious consequences.

Motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians are particularly susceptible to these types of fractures as typically, their faces are not as protected as those travelling in a vehicle. However anyone in the vehicle not wearing a seatbelt is also at high risk of suffering facial injuries during a crash.

If you have suffered from facial fractures during a traffic accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim. Jefferies Claims can help you to navigate the process of claiming compensation.

We work with lawyers who operate on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis. This means that you will only have to pay the solicitor’s fee if you win the case.

What Are Fort Fractures?

Le Fort Fractures involve the maxillary bone in the midface. They are divided into three types as follows:

Le Fort I Fracture: A horizontal fracture that separates the maxillary teeth from the upper face.

Le Fort II Fracture: This fracture involves the nasal bridge, maxilla, lacrimal bones, and orbital floor.

Le Fort III Fracture: This is where  the facial bones separate from the skull.

While Le Fort Fractures may happen in sport, they generally occur during traffic accidents when high impact collisions take place.


How Do Fort Fractures Occur in Road Accidents?

When vehicles crash, there is a high level of danger for facial injuries. These may occur as follows:

Head-on Collisions

A driver or passenger face may collide against the steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield due to the sudden impact of a collision. This can cause severe fractures depending on the force of impact.

Side-Impact Collisions

T-bone accidents or side collisions can result in blunt force trauma to the face. This is especially when the head strikes a window or door.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end crashes tend to occur when the victim’s face hits the seat in front or other hard surfaces inside the vehicle.

Motorcycle and Bicycle Accidents

Motorcyclists and cyclists are at higher risk of facial fractures as they do not have the same level of protection of being in a car. Even if you are wearing a helmet, facial fractures can happen during a collision.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians hit by vehicles can suffer Le Fort fractures due to the sheer force of the impact of the vehicle or when hitting the ground.


Le Fort Fractures Injuries in Road Accidents – Are They Common?

Le Fort fractures are relatively common in high impact collisions. In fact, studies have shown that facial injuries may account for a fairly high percentage of injuries. However, Le Fort Fractures are considered to be among the most severe type of facial injury.

These fractures may occur alongside other injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, skull fractures and concussion. It is important to note that airbags and seatbelts can play an important role in preventing facial injuries during traffic accidents.


Symptoms of Fort Fractures

It is essential that Le Fort Fractures are recognised by medical professionals. This is because it is important they receive timely treatment. Symptoms may include:

  • Facial swelling and bruising
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Nasal bleeding
  • Misalignment of the upper jaw
  • Loose or missing teeth
  • Vision problems due to orbital fractures
  • Pain and tenderness in the facial region


Making a Personal Injury Claim for Fort Fractures

If you have sustained a Le Fort Fracture during a traffic collision and which occurred due to the fault by another party, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim. You will need to gather police reports and witness statements. Photographs or CCTV footage of the accident scene and your injuries may also form part of the evidence.

Jefferies Claims can guide you through the process on claiming for compensation. We work with highly experienced lawyers in this field who operate on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis and we will give you the support and understanding you need at this difficult time. Call us at 0333 358 3034 or visit Jefferies Claims Contact Us Page to learn more.