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4 Steps You Should Take After an Accident in a Factory

Suffering an accident in the workplace can often be traumatic and making a claim can often seem even scarier. After an accident, making a claim likely isn’t the first thing on your mind. However, if you would like to make a personal injury claim following an accident there are certain steps you can take to help gather evidence to support your case. 

  • Firstly, you should prioritise your health and wellbeing. If you are in a lot of pain or believe your injuries are serious you should immediately go to the hospital where they can assess your condition and assess your injuries. If you believe that you are not seriously hurt, you should still aim to visit your GP as soon as possible. This not only helps to ensure your safety, but it also ensures that a record is created which can be used as evidence during the claims process. 
  • If you are not too seriously injured immediately following your accident, you should aim to take pictures of the accident scene which can later be used to highlight the faults in the workplace and attribute blame in the case. If you have had to go to hospital, you could potentially ask a co-worker to take the photographs for you or you could return at a later date to take these photographs if possible. You should also take photographs of your injuries if possible, to document the severity of your circumstance. 
  • The accident should be recorded in the workplace accident book which is a legal requirement for all businesses to have. Accidents are usually recorded in great detail in the accident book which helps to ensure that another record of the incident is recorded. However, you should also aim to make a record of the incident yourself as soon as possible, such as in a journal or diary. By making a record as close to the event as possible, it helps to ensure that you do not forget any crucial events while recording the event in lots of detail so that facts cannot be misremembered either. 
  • If you wish to make a claim, you should contact a personal injury solicitor who can help assess your circumstances and guide you through the process. While it may seem scary to begin the process of making a claim, you should remember that it is your right to make a claim if you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault. 

Contact Jefferies Today

At first, we will need some initial details about the specifics of your injuries and how this has impacted upon your life. 

To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team. 

Make a claim now by calling 0333 358 3034 or

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