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Toxic Waste Claims

Exposure and Claiming Compensation

 Hazardous materials can cause serious health consequences which result in toxic waste claims. Toxic waste is generally regarded as a public health issue. It occurs when these materials are improperly managed or improperly disposed of, which can cause contamination of air, water or land.

Toxic waste is a significant environmental and public health issue, affecting thousands of people worldwide. It consists of hazardous materials that are improperly disposed of, released into the environment, or inadequately managed, causing contamination of land, water, and air. When individuals are exposed to toxic waste, they can suffer severe health consequences which may lead to personal injury claims.

If you believe you may have a claim for compensation, then Jefferies Claims may be able to assist. We work with solicitors who operate on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis.

What Is Toxic Tort?

A toxic tort is a legal claim arising from exposure to hazardous substances that cause injury or illness. These claims typically involve negligence, product liability, or environmental law violations.

However toxic tort cases are complex. They often require substantial scientific evidence to establish the toxic substance as being the cause of the claimant’s illness or injury.

There are different types of toxic tort cases, including:

  • Occupational Exposure – Workers exposed to toxic substances in the workplace, such as asbestos, industrial solvents or pesticides may develop illnesses. Employers have a legal duty to provide a safe working environment.
  • Environmental Exposure – Individuals living near industrial plants, landfills, or contaminated water sources may develop illnesses due to prolonged exposure to hazardous waste.
  • Pharmaceutical Toxic Torts – Certain medications have been found to contain harmful chemicals leading to severe side effects or diseases.
  • Consumer Product Exposure – Household and personal care products containing toxic substances can cause long-term health effects.

Injuries and Diseases Caused by Toxic Waste

Toxic waste exposure may lead to both acute and chronic health issues, depending on the nature, concentration, and duration of exposure. The most common health problems caused by toxic waste include:

Respiratory Conditions – Exposure to hazardous chemicals such as asbestos, benzene, and industrial fumes can cause lung diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and even lung cancer.

Skin Disorders – Direct contact with toxic chemicals can result in skin irritation, rashes, dermatitis, and severe burns. Prolonged exposure may lead to skin cancer or permanent scarring.

Neurological Disorders – Many toxic substances, including lead, mercury, and pesticides, can affect the nervous system. This may cause issues such as memory loss, cognitive impairment, headaches, and even conditions like Parkinson’s disease.

Cancer – Exposure to carcinogenic substances, including asbestos, benzene, dioxins, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), has been linked to various cancers such as leukaemia, mesothelioma, and liver cancer.

Reproductive and Developmental Issues – Some toxic waste materials, such as pesticides and industrial solvents, can cause birth defects, infertility, and developmental delays in children exposed in utero.

Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases – Drinking contaminated water or consuming food exposed to toxic waste can lead to gastrointestinal diseases, liver failure, and conditions such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.

How to Claim Compensation

If you have suffered harm due to exposure to toxic waste, you may be entitled to compensation. To succeed in a toxic tort claim you will have to show that the exposure to toxic waste directly caused your illness or injury. Additionally, you will have to provide evidence that there was a breach of duty of care through negligence or regulatory violations.

Furthermore, key pieces of evidence may include your medical records, employment records for proof of exposure. Expert testimony and witness statements may also provide strong evidence.  Environmental reports may be required regarding evidence of contamination of water, air or soil.

Time Limits For Toxic Waste Claims

There is generally a three-year limitation period to bring a personal injury claim. This period starts from the date of knowledge of the injury i.e. when you became aware that your illness was caused by toxic exposure. There are exceptions to this rule, such as for children under 18 years old.

Compensation typically covers medical expenses, loss of earnings as well as pain and suffering. It may also cover funeral costs and dependants’ claims if the exposure resulted in death.

Toxic waste exposure can potentially lead to devastating health conditions. If this has happened to you or a loved one, take your next step and contact Jefferies Claims. We work with lawyers who operate on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis.

We will guide you through the process so you can get the compensation you deserve. To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team.