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Construction Work Injuries Drop Not Big Enough, Says HSE

The construction industry is known as being a sector where there is a greater possibility of having a serious accident or injury. Workers are at risk of falls from height, crushing injuries and machinery accidents.

Figures recently reported from the Health and Safety Executive indicate a fall of 9 % in the rate of major injuries in the construction sector but according to top bodies at HSE, this decrease should be larger.

In 2012/13 there were 1,913 major injuries compared to 2,124 in the previous year and fatal injuries also fell from 49 to 39 in the same years.

Falls From Height Most Common Kind Of Fatal Accident

The statistics revealed that a fall from height was the main kind of construction accident that ended in a fatality with 60% of recorded fatalities attributed to it. This figure was up 3% from last year.

The number of accidents in the construction was found to be disproportionate to a number of people the industry employs with the sector accounting for 5% of employees yet 27% of all fatal accidents in the workplace.

Construction Still One Of The Most Dangerous Sectors

Speaking of the fall in injuries, HSE’s Heather Bryant said that construction is still one of the most dangerous sectors in Britain. She said: “Year on year we are seeing a downward trend but far too many employees are still being killed or seriously injured at work. This is unacceptable when many could have been prevented with simple safety measures.”

She said that she had seen some ‘excellent examples of well ran construction sites where a clear focus on safety and risk management has been demonstrated’.

Claiming Compensation For A Construction Injury

If you have had an injury while working in construction then you may able to make a personal injury compensation claim if the accident was not your fault. Major injuries can mean you have been left with a debilitating injury, meaning you are unable to work and/or look after yourself. A compensation settlement can help remove some of the financial worries you may have following an injury.

If you would like more information and advice about making a personal injury claim then please get in touch with our friendly and helpful team on 0333 358 3034 or complete our online claim form.

Published 16th February 2015.