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Cosmetic Surgery Review Highlights Need For Industry Changes

A new review of cosmetic surgery carried out by the Department of Health has slammed the industry for providing services with the same level of regulation seen in mass-produced domestic products.

It said that fillers, Botox and other treatments are barely regulated at all and that there was easy access to these treatments in the form of beauty parties, for example.

The report, which has been spearheaded by Sir Bruce Keough, NHS medical director, follows the PIP implant scandal which left hundreds of women in need of surgery to remove faulty implants.

Key recommendations of the report

Following the investigation the panel came up with some recommendations to improve the sector:

  • The requirement of formal qualifications for anyone performing dermal fillers
  • Fillers to be available on prescription only
  • Compulsory insurance in case of a mistake
  • Cosmetic surgeons should have a formal certificate
  • The ‘go ahead’ for surgery should be signed off by a surgeon and not a sales or marketing person
  • A central register to include everyone who performs cosmetic surgery including non-surgical practitioners
  • The banning of sales promotions for cosmetic surgery companies
  • Breast implants register

The report also concluded that there was too much emphasis on profit and not enough on care. It said that the treatments offered were often ‘trivialised’. Aggressive sales promotions like buy one, get one free were also highlighted as being dangerous.

Despite the negative press the industry continues to boom and is estimated to be worth £3.6 bn in 2015.

No formal way of checking surgeons’ qualifications

The review also highlighted the need to have more regulation on cosmetic surgeons operating in the private sector and that some surgeons simply ‘fly into the country and out again’ according to Keough.

He added: “The most striking thing is that anybody, anywhere, anytime can give a filler to anybody else, and that is bizarre.”

In response to the news, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons said it was relieved with the findings and that it was pleased that a need for a prescription for dermal fillers had been recommended by the panel.

Claiming For Cosmetic Surgery Compensation

If you feel that you have cause to make a claim for cosmetic surgery clinical negligence compensation following any type of cosmetic surgery treatment then Jefferies Solicitors may be able to help. Contact us on 0333 358 3034 to discuss your potential claim for compensation with one of our team of expert personal injury lawyers or simply complete our initial online personal injury compensation claim form in confidence.

Claiming Compensation For Medical Negligence

If you feel that you may have experienced medical negligence contact our firm of no win, no fee medical negligence solicitors by either calling our national accident helpline above or filling out our initial quick claim online form. A member of our team of personal injury solicitors team will then discuss the prospect of you making a personal injury claim, in confidence.

Published 11th February 2015.