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Experts Plea For More Studies To Be Done On Mesothelioma

The number of people suffering from asbestos-related illness, mesothelioma, is rising according to medical experts.

The news has prompted scientists to ask for more research to be done and that more money from the insurance industry is needed to fund vital research into the terminal illness.

More Risk of Asbestosis In Building Industry Workers

People at risk of developing mesothelioma are those who work in the building industry where asbestos is often present. Symptoms of the illness usually appear 30- or 40 years following initial exposure and if you are diagnosed with the condition you often have a short life-expectancy following this diagnosis, often with only months left to live.

British Lung Foundation Say More Studies Needed

Dr. John Moore-Gillon from the British Lung Foundation believes that there is not enough known about the condition and more studies and investigations into it are required and that the number of people suffering is likely to rise and peak in 202 with males over the age of 65 forming the vast majority of cases.

Lack Of Consistent Research

He wants money from insurance companies to be used to fund the research and states that bans on asbestos have not stopped the rise because of the lack of consistent research.

2011 and 2012 Statistics – Deaths Related To Mesothelioma

In 2012 there were 2,535 deaths related to mesothelioma and there were 2,291 in 2011. Dr. Moore-Gillon says that the Medical Research Council can only put money towards current projects because of the funding model it is bound by he said: “There is no sign of mesothelioma levelling off. There is a small risk to every one of us – I have hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of tiny asbestos fibres in my lung because every time I go into a city I am exposed – but there are thousands of others occupationally exposed and at the highest risk. Research is essential.”

Making Mesothelioma Compensation Claims

If you or a member of your family has been affected by mesothelioma due to exposure in the workplace then it is possible you can make a claim for compensation against your employer. Many employers have ceased to exist since there was an initial exposure to asbestos which caused the illness but it is still possible to make a claim in many cases and it is advisable to speak to a qualified personal injury lawyer to discuss your possible case in more detail.

Making A Mesothelioma Compensation Claim With Jefferies

. If you would like to get in touch with us to tell us more about your circumstances then please call our team on our national accident helpline above or complete one of our online claim forms.

Published 11th February 2015.