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Norfolk Road Injury Statistics Revealed

Information obtained by the Eastern Daily Press website has revealed worrying road injury statistics in the county of Norfolk.

The data, which was gained under the Freedom of Information Act, showed that there had been three deaths in Norfolk in February alone. Two of the fatal road accidents occurred on 22nd February when two teenage pedestrians were killed in two separate incidents. The third accident involved a man who was killed the day after following a fatal road crash.

Road Accident Blackspots

The information pinpoints fatal road accident locations from 2002- 2013 and illustrates an overall UK decrease in fatal collisions. The places highlighted in the report show the most road accident fatalities were Norwich with 23 accidents, Yarmouth with 17 accidents and King’s Lynn which had 14 accidents in the 11 year period.

Norwich City Council for environment, development and transport’s cabinet member, Mike Stonard, said that the figures were unsurprising. He added: “You’re talking about an urban area where there are more road traffic and more interchange between pedestrians and cyclists, there’s greater density of population, more road miles being travelled.”

Police Target Well-Known Accident Zones

On behalf of Norfolk and Suffolk Police, Chief Inspector Spinks said that there was more vehicle movement in urban areas and that rural areas saw more high-speed collisions, on average. He added that police targeted the areas where there had been a history of road accidents. He said: “Over the last 10 years the trend has shown a steady decline in the number of killed and serious injury collisions and we continue to work with our partners in local authorities and other emergency services to ensure this trend is maintained.”

He cited the four fatal causes of accidents as not wearing a seatbelt, driving at high speeds, drinking and driving and using a mobile phone while driving. He also said that continuous education is provided by the police as well as enforcement of road safety rules.

Claiming Compensation For A Road Traffic Accident

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident that was not your fault then you could be able to make a valid personal injury claim.  If you would like further guidance on your claim or would like to know more about conducting your claim on a no win no fee basis then please get in touch with us on 0333 358 3034.

Published 16th February 2015.