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Scottish Schools Rife With Personal Injuries

According to a report by the Educational Institute of Scotland union, Scottish Schools are far from safe places in terms of personal injuries.

The report revealed that there has been a record number of slipping, tripping and falling accidents within Scottish schools in 2012. In monetary terms, the number of accidents reached approximately £1.35 million. Many of these are believed to be avoidable.

General Secretary of the EIS, Larry Flanagan said that basic safety measures will prevent some of the accidents happening. He said: “Sadly, the evidence from 2012 is that educational employers still have a great deal of work to do to improve the safety of our schools, colleges and universities.

Mr Flanagan also added that recent changes to the Criminal Injury Compensation Scheme have not helped the situation. The changes mean that only the very seriously injured will be compensated through the system. He added that this means many violent attacks on teachers are unable to be compensated for.

The Secretary also argued that the government’s action, which is believed to free up £50 million from the tax payer’s purse, showed a disregard for all public working frontline personnel who have been assaulted while at work.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Government stated that health and safety issues in the workplace are between the employer and the employee. He added that the government expected councils to take appropriate action at local levels to reduce the ‘risk to staff through their own local health and safety procedures.”

Published 11th February 2015.