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Calls For Asbestos Bill Petition Launched For Victims of Asbestosis

A petition has been launched in the wake of a new mesothelioma Bill which aims to help victims of asbestosis who are unable to trace the company where their illness was contracted.

Petitioners say that the Bill is not helping enough victims as the claim deadlines only include sufferers who were diagnosed after 25th July 2012.

The petition named the 100% Justice Campaign was introduced by Asbestos Victim Support Group. Its goal is to make changes to the Bill to include all asbestos victims and/or their families.

Asbestos Widow Also Offers Her Support

There are lots of victims and their families who have been angered by the details of the Bill. Sally Ward from Derby lost her husband Steve, a former car mechanic, who died of mesothelioma 3 years ago.

Unfortunately, Sally had been unable to find the insurance company responsible for the garage where he worked. She said that her husband’s biggest concern was how she would cope financially in his absence.

She said: “You’d always rather have the person back with you than any compensation and it doesn’t even begin to make up for losing them – but it’s not the person’s fault they are exposed to asbestos and somebody should be held responsible.”


Published on 16th February 2015.