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    Cerebral Palsy Compensation Claims

    Cerebral palsy is a lifelong condition that many people can be born with. It often causes serious physical impairment in terms of speech, language and movement and can result in learning difficulties. Talk to us about cerebral palsy claims.

    Cerebral Palsy Caused By Medical Negligence

    The vast majority of people who have cerebral palsy have the condition before they are born, however, in some cases, it can be caused by medical negligence. For example, if, during the birthing process there is a lack of oxygen, this can cause brain damage. This can sometimes be the fault of the medical staff who are looking after you and your child.

    If this has happened to you or your child, you may be able to make a cerebral palsy compensation claim. To do so, it will have to be proven that the person or people who were responsible for medical care were negligent in their duty of care.

    Some of the possible mistakes which may result in cerebral palsy include:

    • Lack of response by the medical team if a mother has high blood pressure during labour
    • If forceps have been used incorrectly during birth
    • Incorrect treatment of seizures suffered by a baby following birth
    • If a caesarian section is not performed when foetal distress has been detected
    • A lack of action in response to a foetal heart rate
    • If a baby is left in the birth canal for too long, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the brain
    • If there a delayed diagnosis of jaundice or meningitis

    Effects Of Cerebral Palsy

    Cerebral palsy affects two main areas in someone who suffers from the condition: movement and motor function. The effects of cerebral palsy can vary a great deal. Different people experience different degrees of disability from mild to more serious. The most common effects are those associated with muscle control. Everyday tasks like getting dressed, walking, writing can be difficult or impossible for some people.

    Although there is no cure for cerebral palsy, there are treatments available which can improve the quality of life for someone who has the condition. These include therapy, walking aids and equipment, however, these can be expensive on an ongoing basis.

    Different Kinds Of Cerebral Palsy

    Cerebral palsy affects the brain in different ways depending on where the damage is in the brain. Below are the different kinds of cerebral palsy:

    • Spastic damage is the most common kind of impairment caused by cerebral palsy. It is characterised by stiff muscles and jerky movements caused by muscles receiving incorrect messages from the brain.
    • Dyskinetic cerebral palsy results in involuntary movements like twisting, irregular and repetitive actions caused by damage to the basal ganglia of the brain where messages are received.
    • Ataxia is the least common kind of cerebral palsy. It is caused by damage to the cerebellum and can bring about clumsiness and imprecision, disorganised and jerky movements. It can also cause some balance problems and unsteadiness.

    Starting A Cerebral Palsy Compensation Claim

    All medical negligence claims tend to be more complex than those related to other kinds of personal injury and cerebral palsy compensation cases are no different. This doesn’t mean it’s not possible to make a claim, however, first, it is advisable to speak to a qualified medical negligence solicitor.

    Making A Medical Negligence Claim With Jefferies

    To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively,  complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team.