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    Claiming For An Incorrect Prescription

    If your GP has prescribed you with the wrong prescription or your pharmacist has dispensed the wrong medication, you could be able to claim compensation. The health consequences of receiving the wrong type of medication can be quite serious and potentially long-term. If you have received the wrong prescription, either from your GP or pharmacist, you could be able to claim compensation as a result.

    To find out whether your claim is valid and whether you can claim compensation as a result, contact Jefferies.

    Call our specialists on 0333 358 3034 or fill out our online form to arrange a no-obligation confidential conversation about your accident.

    The Responsibility Of Your GP And Pharmacist

    There is a professional standard that GPs and pharmacists have to adhere to, no matter the job role that they are performing. You could be given the wrong prescription because your GP writes you a script for medication that is either not the right type of medication for your ailment or they have misdiagnosed your illness/injury.

    You could also receive the wrong medication if your pharmacist gives you a medication that doesn’t match up with the script written by your GP. There are specific standards that your pharmacist must follow to adhere to health and safety guidelines. This could happen because of medicine being incorrectly labelled or they could simply be careless and they could’ve given you the wrong medication. If you have suffered from medical negligence, either because of the fault of your GP or pharmacist, you could claim compensation as a result.

    There is usually a three-year time limit on claiming incorrect prescription compensation cases. This time limit will begin from the date that your initial prescription was issued or when it was dispensed if the issue occurred at this stage in the process. To find out whether or not you can claim compensation for your incorrect prescription claim, contact us.

    Consequences Of Incorrect Prescriptions

    There can be quite severe consequences to your health if your GP or pharmacist prescribes you the wrong medication or gives you the wrong medication. The health issues will depend upon the type of medication that you have been given and the specifics of your actual illness/injury that is meant to be treated. However, there are certain health consequences that are more likely to occur than others:

    • Blood clots.
    • The worsening of mental health conditions or the development of mental health conditions due to unexpected side effects of the wrongly received medication.
    • An infection or the worsening of an infection.
    • A general worsening of a medical condition.
    • No alleviation of symptoms – such as suffering from pain without pain medication to help.
    • Negative unexpected side effects that are caused by combing two medications together that normally wouldn’t be allowed to be taken together.
    • An allergic reaction.

    There are other potential issues that could occur when receiving medication or a prescription for a medication. Your child could potentially suffer an injury if they receive an adult prescription. Your child could potentially suffer a health condition such as an overdose, which could be life-threatening.

    This type of issue is more likely to occur because of the pharmacist giving you the wrong type of medication rather than your GP prescribing an adult prescription for a child. Still, whether your GP or a pharmacist is to blame for your child receiving the wrong type of medication, you could likely receive compensation as a result.

    If you or your child has received the wrong type of medication, you could claim compensation as a result. If you’ve suffered a health issue or your health issues have not healed because of receiving the wrong type of medication, you could receive incorrect prescription compensation.

    To find out whether you can claim compensation and how much compensation you can claim, contact Jefferies.

    Incorrect Prescription Compensation

    The amount of incorrect prescription compensation that you can claim will depend upon the specific circumstances of your case. The amount of compensation will be calculated by assessing two specific categories: general damages and special damages.

    General Damages

    The pain and suffering that receiving the incorrect prescription has caused is the main factor that is used to determine how much compensation you are owed.

    Special Damages

    However, compensation also takes into account any financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your condition, such as a loss of earnings due to being unable to return to work. If you have had to pay for treatment or travel to treatment, compensation may also be able to cover this as well. Therefore, you should keep any receipts or other documents that help to outline the extent of your financial losses, as caused by your condition.


    Contact Jefferies

    At first, we will need some initial details about the specifics of your injuries and how this has impacted your life. Please contact us today on 0333 358 3034 or through our online form to get started. A member of our team will quickly be in touch to discuss your case.