Car Park Accident Claims
While it may seem unusual to be injured in a car park due to the slower speed at which cars are travelling but sadly accidents in car parks can still be very serious and potentially deadly. If you have been injured in an accident at a car park, then you may be able to claim compensation.
To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form.
Please note, there is a three-year time limit on making a personal injury claim. This time limit begins from the date that the accident occurred. You should contact us as soon as possible to assess your case.
Negligent Party
Car park accidents don’t necessarily just involve two parties driving cars. The accident could also involve pedestrians, the car park operator, or people on bicycles or other forms of transport. For a claim to be successful it must be determined that one or other multiple parties are responsible for the accident. Therefore, drivers, passengers, pedestrians and anyone else who is in the vicinity should be aware of their surroundings at all times to try and avoid an accident.
Drivers in particular have a duty of care to not attempt to drive if they are in a diminished state. Whether this state is caused by substances, a physical injury, or an anguished mental state, they should not drive if they are not capable or are distracted.
Types of accidents
There are many scenarios that can result in a person suffering a personal injury, these include:
- A slip, trip or fall in a private or public car park.
- Injuries due to poor car park maintenance.
- Pedestrian hit by a car in a car park.
- Hit by another car.
- Cyclist hit by a car.
Steps to Take
If you have been involved in an accident in a car park it is advisable that you take pictures of any damage that has occurred. For example, if your car has been damaged, or you have suffered injuries, you should take photographs to highlight the damage and injuries. Similarly, you should also take photographs of the general accident scene.
You should ask for the contact details of any present witnesses as they can later be called on to make statements in the case. Similarly, you should get the contact and insurance information of the other driver, or anyone else potentially responsible.
You should visit the hospital or the GP, if your injuries are less serious, as this will ensure your safety, but it will also create a record of the incident. Similarly, you should file a police report if you believe that criminal activity, such as reckless driving, took place. Furthermore, you should note down your version of events as soon as possible so that you do not forget any crucial details.
Amount of Compensation
Compensation is determined by assessing the individual circumstances of the case. Compensation takes into account the pain and suffering caused by the injuries, as well as the impact upon amenity/ability to function. Compensation will also take into account any financial losses that have occurred due to your injuries.
To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team.