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    Crush Injury Compensation Claims

    You may have suffered a crush injury following an accident at work, or at a public place such as a restaurant or a store. If you have been injured due to an accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim personal injury compensation. Talk to us about crush injury compensation claims, we are here to help you.

    If your injuries were caused by working conditions and failings in health and safety by an employer or the owner of public premises then you could be eligible to claim compensation.


    Contact the claims experts

    If you have suffered an injury because of an accident that wasn’t your fault, we may be able to help you.

    If you have been in an accident at work or in a public place, contact us on 0333 358 3034 or get in touch online.

    What to do after an accident

    • Report the incident at work or in a public place so they can make an official record of it in their accident book.
    • Take photos of what has happened-injuries and the scene of the accident.
    • Get the details of any witnesses to the accident.
    • Evidence of a loss of earnings if your injury has resulted in you needing time off work. Documents related to other financial expenditures connected to your injuries may also be required. This could include travel receipts to and from medical appointments.
    • Seek medical attention.



    AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION in Crush Injury Compensation Claims

    All personal injury cases are unique and so the amount of compensation that is awarded in each case is also unique. The amount of compensation that is awarded is determined by looking at two distinct factors – general damages and special damages.


    The pain and suffering that your injuries have caused is the main factor that is used to determine how much compensation you are owed. This will usually be determined by undergoing a medical examination, from which a report is created that outlines the length of time the injuries will take to heal as well as their severity.

    Our compensation calculator gives an indication of how much you might be entitled to based upon your injuries. Your solicitor will take these different details relating to your injury into account when calculating how much compensation you should be awarded, which will then be put forward to the opposing side and the judge.


    However, compensation also takes into account any financial losses that you might have suffered as a result of your injuries, such as a loss of earnings due to being unable to return to work. If you have had to pay for treatment or travel to treatment, compensation may also be able to cover this as well. Therefore, you should keep any receipts or other documents that help to outline the extent of your financial losses, as caused by your accident/injuries.

    Except for children, there is a three-year time limit on making a personal injury claim. This time limit begins from the date that the accident occurred. You should contact us as soon as possible to assess your case.


    Our experts are well-experienced in dealing with a range of different case types. They understand how traumatic sustaining an injury can be and want to make the process of claiming compensation as stress-free as possible.

    To learn more and discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team at 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team.