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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Claims (PTSD)

    If you have suffered psychiatric injuries such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of an accident which wasn’t your fault, you could be entitled to compensation.

    From moderate psychiatric damage to chronic pain syndrome and fibromyalgia to reflex sympathetic dystrophy, there are a number of psychiatric injuries which can be caused by a major accident. This type of injury is often experienced by Armed Forces Personnel, Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance workers who regularly encounter victims of road accidents, rail accidents and other catastrophic injury scenes.

    Call 0333 358 3034 today or get in touch online to find out if you have grounds to make a claim.


    Post-traumatic stress disorder claims have recently become more prevalent as the psychological effects of serious accidents have become clearer to medical professionals. The disorder is referred to as PTSD in medical and legal fields.

    PTSD claims arise because there has been some level of negligence involved in you acquiring the disorder. Employers have a level of responsibility towards their personnel; if it can be proved they have failed to provide a safe working environment then they could be negligible.


    • Physical assaults
    • Road traffic accidents
    • Catastrophic air or sea accidents
    • Witnessing serious accidents or injuries
    • Warfare situations e.g. a soldier observing traumatic scenes on the battlefield

    Most people (around two-thirds) who experience traumatic events recover from their shock within a relatively short period of time. However, there are those who are unable to function without medical intervention.


    If you are suffering from PTSD, then you are likely to have had a single or continuously stressful event which has caused you to have difficulty sleeping, brought on anxiety attacks; given you nightmares, flashbacks or triggered outbursts of anger. Symptoms usually begin around six weeks after a stressful event and can appear after years of a disturbing or upsetting event.

    Some of the symptoms of the disorder are so crippling that you are unable to work or need to have a lot of time off work. In most cases, you will be able to claim for loss of earnings in these circumstances. If you have paid for any medical treatment for your illness then you will be compensated for these expenses if your claim is successful.


    Because PTSD is a less tangible injury it has been difficult for courts in the past to grant compensation for sufferers but views are now changing as knowledge of the disorder grows.

    If you think you have PTSD then seek medical advice as soon as possible. It is likely that you will be advised to have psychotherapy or counselling.


    If you are suffering the effects of any of the following conditions, you could have grounds to make a claim:

      • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
      • Moderate psychiatric damage
      • Chronic Pain Syndrome
      • Fibromyalgia
      • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

    To start your post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compensation claim, please call us today on 0333 358 3034 or complete our online claim form.

    Make a claim now by calling 0333 358 3034 or

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