Toluene Poisoning Claims
Toluene is a clear liquid which can be found in domestic products like paints, paint thinners and adhesives. It is also used industrially when producing plastics, rubbers and some medicines. Toluene poisoning claims are usually made by people who have inhaled vapours of this toxic substance although it can be swallowed or absorbed through the skin.
Controlling toluene poisoning in the workplace
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH – 1998) forms part of Health and Safety Law and requires employers to ensure all employees are suitably protected from harmful substances like toluene. Physical protection like specialised clothing and eyewear is needed in some cases. Toluene poisoning claims also result when suitable ventilation and adequate breaks are not given to those working with a high concentration of toluene.
Those who have pursued toluene poisoning claims have often complained of headaches, nausea and lack of coordination as initial symptoms. When there has been an extreme amount of vapours inhaled poisoning can lead to unconsciousness or death. Your skin can become irritated and develop a rash if there is contact with this substance. In all cases, it is imperative that you seek medical treatment straight away.
Making your claim for toluene poisoning
Before you begin your claim for poisoning in an industrial setting you should first ascertain what your symptoms are. A visit to your GP will help clarify what those symptoms are by carrying out simple tests measuring how much toluene is in your body.
If you work in the printing industry, paint or rubber manufacturing, engineering or footwear trade then you are at more risk of coming into contact with toluene.
Once it has been established that you have suffered poisoning from toluene then it is advisable to seek help from a personal injury lawyer specialising in industrial diseases compensation.
Jefferies is here to help you claim toluene poisoning compensation
Please call our legal team today on 0333 358 3034 or fill in our online form.
Make a claim now by calling 0333 358 3034 or
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