How Much Compensation For Loss of Taste And Smell?
Loss of taste and smell has a huge impact on the quality and enjoyment of life. While personal injury claims involving a loss of taste or smell are rare, they do sometimes arise. If you have lost your sense of taste and/or smell because of someone else’s actions, talk to us about compensation for loss of taste and smell.
Severe brain injuries affecting the nasal passages are one of the main reasons you may have lost these senses. Minor head injuries can also be a cause and in these circumstances, a full recovery is more likely. Infections within the mouth leading to nerve damage is another cause as is exposure to harmful and poisonous chemicals, often in a working environment.
Whether you’ve lost your sense of taste or sense of smell after a car accident or as a result of a mouth infection arising because of dental negligence, you may be entitled to claim compensation.
Compensation amounts for loss of smell and taste
Please use the below as a guide to give you an indication of how much compensation for loss of taste and smell you could be entitled to. The figures we have supplied are based on the latest version of the Judicial College general damages compensation guidelines:
Level of injury |
Potential compensation |
Complete loss of taste (ageusia) and total loss of smell (anosmia) | £31,220 |
Total loss of smell with a substantial amount of taste loss | £26,230 – £31,220 |
Cases where loss of smell occurs on its own | £19,920 – £26,230 |
Loss of taste examined on its own | £15,300 – £19,920 |
Helping you with your compensation claim
Taste and smell are two senses which are inextricably linked. If a sense of smell is lost then it means some degree of loss in taste will exist. The condition means that you will be unable to detect flavours and at worst it can be life-threatening. If you cannot be alerted to warning signs of toxic or poisonous fumes then this is an obvious danger.
The compensation amounts in the table above are for your injury only. You may also be able to claim for financial losses you have experienced as a result of your injury. This might include loss of earnings if you have had to take time off work, travel expenses or prescription costs. Your solicitor will take these losses into account when calculating the value of your claim.
To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team.
If you are considering making a claim, please contact us for more details on how much compensation for loss of taste and smell, we will discuss what has happened to you and if you will be able to make a claim. Call us on 0333 358 3034 or get in touch online.
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