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How Much Compensation For Minor Head Injuries

If you would like to know how much compensation may be available for minor head injuries then you have probably suffered from some of the symptoms typical of this injury through the fault of a third party. See below some of the symptoms and related amounts typical of compensation claims which have been made previously.

All cases are judged on their own specific circumstances but there are some guidelines which may have you have a clearer idea of how much compensation for head injuries.

Head injuries can cause brain injury but in cases of minor head injuries, this is usually less likely.

Compensation amounts for minor head injuries

Less severe brain damage usually sees claimants receiving £11,000 to £30,750 in compensation. The severity of the condition is characterised by the ability to maintain a lifestyle enjoyed prior to the injury, such as the continuation of leisure activities. Concentration and memory may have been affected but they do not preside over every aspect of your daily life in these cases.

There is the chance of epilepsy in some cases of less severe brain damage. The factors considered in this bracket can be such things as how long the injury is likely to impact on an individual’s life, the likelihood of any permanent disability and if there is a personality change or depression is present.

Compensation claims classified as minor brain or head injuries are those where there has been minimal brain damage. The following features of a minor case are considered: how severe the injury is; if there is any presence of headaches and how severe they are; what the seriousness of any symptoms are; how long symptoms are likely to carry on for. Settlement figures in these cases begin at £1,575 and go up to £9,100 depending on the elements mentioned.

Claiming for your minor head injury with Jefferies

If you believe you have experienced an injury which falls into this type of head injury and would like to know how to go about making a claim following minor head injuries of this nature then please call Jefferies on 0333 358 3034 or complete our quick initial online claim form so that a member of our team can advise further.

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