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    Have you suffered a serious orthopaedic injury as a result of an accident which wasn’t your fault? Get the compensation you deserve with the help of Jefferies’ serious injury solicitors today.


    From broken bones and fractures to tendon, nerve or ligament damage, orthopaedic injuries can be extremely severe and in the most extreme cases can lead to the loss of use in a limb or even amputation. Understandably, these injuries can have major, long-term effects on the life of the victim and their families. In addition to the pain and suffering caused, serious injury solicitors must consider the loss of earnings and all future medical and rehabilitation costs when building their case. These cases can be incredibly complex and it pays to choose an experienced solicitor to handle your claim.


    Call Jefferies Solicitors on 0333 358 3034 to discuss your circumstances and find out if you have grounds to make a no win, no fee serious injury claim.



    • First, talk to us today and explain the circumstances of your injury, whether a road accident, a workplace incident or a sports injury. We will tell you for free if you have grounds to make a claim.
    • If you choose to launch a serious injury claim with Jefferies Solicitors we can call upon years of experience to collect evidence and specialist medical advice to ensure that your claim is a success and you get the right amount of compensation for your needs.
    • Your compensation will cover pain and suffering along with a loss of earnings from any inability to work. Compensation can also be provided to cover the cost of ongoing medical care, physiotherapy, and adaptations to your home.
    • When you make a claim with Jefferies Solicitors on a now win no fee basis there is nothing to pay if the case is unsuccessful. You have nothing to lose by seeking the compensation you deserve.


    Our hips, knees and shoulders are extremely complex parts of the body which require specialist medical expertise when injuries occur. Unfortunately, even then simple mistakes can lead to long-term pain and suffering, for patients and their families.

    When this happens, many individuals choose to make orthopaedic negligence claims.


    Since all of our joints are so complex, injuries can be extremely diverse but common orthopaedic and tendon negligence claims include:

    • Bone infections
    • Tendon damage
    • Poorly installed pins, plates and ligament grafts.

    Orthopaedic injuries can have catastrophic, life-long consequences. They can result in serious disabilities such as amputation. Even when this does not happen, they can still cause ongoing pain and suffering or require further medical treatment and surgery; prolonging the time that you are in discomfort and unable to earn a living.


    A strain is an injury which occurs when muscles and tendons stretch or tear. They are the result of overusing a muscle or using it improperly. A sprain, on the other hand, happens when a ligament stretches or tears. It is caused when a joint is impacted by excessive force or moved in an unnatural position.

    There are different degrees of sprain. They are as follows:

    • First-degree Sprain – Ligament is stretched but not torn causing mild pain.
    • Second-degree Sprain – Ligament is partially torn causing significant pain, swelling, restricted movement and mild to moderate joint instability.
    • Third-degree Sprain – Ligament is completely torn, causing mild to severe pain, swelling and major joint instability.


    Sciatica is a condition which causes pain, numbness, tingling or muscle weakness in the legs due to problems with nerves in the lower back which come together to form the sciatic nerve.

    The condition can be caused by a herniated disk or spinal stenosis. This is the narrowing of the spinal canal, typically in the lower back. Most often this narrowing is a result of natural ageing. The cartilage which separates the vertebrae loses water, causing friction between the bones of the spine. Unfortunately, this water serves as a natural shock absorber in the spine and without this, wear and tear become more significant on joints. Disks degenerate and the vertebrae shift causing the spinal canal to narrow. This can place pressure on the nerves running into the legs, causing back and leg pain, or worse, leg weakness.

    These symptoms can also be caused by serious falls, which might be caused by accidents which were not your fault.


    The term refers to back pain which has lasted for more than three months. This pain is usually caused by degenerative changes to the intervertebral disks in the spine.

    When we are younger these disks are soft and act as shock absorbers, but as we grow older they erode and alter the position of the vertebrae and the ligaments which connect them together. These shifts can affect other bones and pinch nerves in addition to causing muscle spasms.

    The disease is essentially caused by ageing but may also be caused by an accidental injury.


    The tendons and muscles in the shoulder which keep the upper arm bone secured to the shoulder blade are collectively known as the rotator cuff. They assist the movement of the arm and stabilise the shoulder. When they are torn, they cause pain, discomfort and also affect key movement.


    Shoulder impingement refers to the misalignment of bones and tissue in the shoulder and upper arm. Impingement syndrome can be caused by torn rotator cuffs, tendinitis, bursitis and arthritis.

    The rotator cuff becomes inflamed due to overuse or misshapen by a condition. This, in turn, causes the upper arm bone and shoulder to draw closer together creating pressure on the rotator cuff and the fluid within it. From this, the individual suffers pain and discomfort.


    When the tissue around the shoulder joint stiffens, it creates scar tissue which makes shoulder movement painful and difficult. Frozen shoulder is most likely if the individual does not move the joint normally for an extended period, through pain, injury or illness. The shoulder must be able to work through its entire range of movement in order to avoid the condition.


    Certain torn ligaments can cause the collarbone to separate from the end of the shoulder blade. This is known as an acromioclavicular joint injury or simply shoulder separation. A separated shoulder is most often caused by a blow to the shoulder, a fall onto the shoulder or an outstretched hand or arm.


    A shoulder dislocation occurs when the upper part of the arm bone is removed from the shoulder joint. It can be caused by a blow to the shoulder, a fall on an outstretched hand or arm, or an awkward positioning or overstretching of the shoulder.


    Our shin bone is surrounded by a sheath of fibres called the periosteum. If these fibres become inflamed they can cause pain and swelling in the shin area. Shin splints are often caused by the stress of running on hard surfaces and is, therefore, most common in athletes and recreational runners.


    There are four kinds of knee ligament:

    • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
    • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
    • Medial collateral ligament (MCL)
    • Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

    The ACL and PCL are used to stabilise the front to back movement of the knee while the MCL and LCL regulate the movement from side to side. One of the most common ligaments to suffer injury is the ACL which can be sprained or torn if it is hyperextended, twisted or bent from side to side. The PCL meanwhile is the least common ligament to be torn.

    When a force on the outside of the knee forces it inwards it can cause damage to the MCL. Similarly when a force on the inside of the knee forces it outwards, the same can happen to the LCL.

    Knee ligament damage is usually indicated by a pop in the knee, which can be audible; not to mention extreme pain and joint instability.


    Inflamed muscles are prone to spasms and contractions. Ironically, these actions are effectively a defensive mechanism by the body but they produce pain and discomfort in the meantime. They are common in back injuries.


    The upper and lower leg bones are connected to the knee joint by the medial meniscus and lateral meniscus. When the knee is twisted while the foot is planted on the ground, the menisci can be torn. Unfortunately, in people over the age of 40, this can also occur during regular movement.


    The band of tissue which connects muscle to bone is known as a tendon. Tendonitis is the inflammation of this tendon. The condition can be caused by over-exercising or making repetitive movements which stretch or irritate the tendon. Individuals with tendonitis experience considerable pain in joints like elbows, knees, shoulders, wrists and ankles.


    The bursa is a small sac of fluid that cushions an area of friction within a joint. When these joints are overused, the bursa can be irritated or the synovial fluid within the sac can become infected; causing pain and discomfort. Bursitis is caused by repetitive stress and is most common in the shoulder, knee, hip, elbow or heel.


    The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. The condition can occur in any joint in the body but most often affects the knees, hips and fingers. It is caused by simple wear and tear, as cartilage wears away and joints begin to rub together. This causes spurs to form and after long periods of activity or inactivity, joints can be extremely stiff. Even the most straightforward everyday tasks can become difficult or even impossible.


    When feet and legs are overused, the muscles which might typically absorb the majority of stress upon bones become fatigued and the stress is transferred to bones, causing tiny stress fractures. These microscopic cracks are most often caused by a rapid increase in the intensity of exercise or running in the wrong athletic shoes, or ones that have worn out over time.


    While grouped together as a single condition, carpal tunnel syndrome is actually comprised of a number of symptoms, including tingling, numbness and pain in fingers, hands, arms or elbows. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when pressure is placed on a nerve within the wrist. The condition is caused by repetitive movements of the hand.


    Also known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow is the inflammation of the tendon which connects the muscles of the hand, wrist and arm to the elbow. It is caused by overactivity of the elbow.


    This is the most common cause of pain and discomfort in the heel and is commonly known as a heel spur. A heel spur is a bony growth on the heel bone which occurs after the ligament on the bottom of the foot tears and becomes inflamed.


    The Achilles connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. When the tendon is placed under too much stress, it can tear. These ruptures usually occur two inches above the point where the tendon meets the bone, and most commonly in amateur athletes who are not conditioned for sport and fail to properly warm up or stretch prior to exercise. It can also be caused by Achilles tendinitis.


    Our spinal vertebrae are separated by disks of shock absorbing cartilage. When discs are compressed, they can intrude on the spinal canal. A slipped or ruptured disc occurs when the nucleus of the disc is forced outward to rupture the outer layer of the disc. This can be extremely painful when the outer layer of the disc interferes with the nerves of the spine. It can also produce pain, numbness, or weakness in legs, shoulders, arms or hands, depending upon where in the spine it occurs.



    If you have suffered an orthopaedic injury due to medical negligence, such as a surgical error, you could be entitled to orthopaedic injury compensation and the experts at Jefferies Solicitors could help you to win the compensation you deserve.


    All you have to do is call 0333 358 3034 or contact us online for a free consultation and to find out if you have grounds to make a claim.


    When an individual suffers an injury to a bone, muscle, joint or ligament, such as a fracture, or tear, the condition is treated by an Orthopaedic surgeon. But when that surgeon mistreats or fails to diagnose an issue causing further pain and suffering, the individual affected is entitled to compensation.


    Cases of orthopaedic negligence include:

    • Missed fractures
    • Surgical errors


    Unfortunately, fractures are not always diagnosed. In fact, they are frequently missed by surgeons or doctors. A medical professional may have carried out a less-than-thorough examination or an X-Ray may not have picked up on the problem.


    Surgery doesn’t always go entirely to plan and further, even greater, medical problems can arise on the back of inadequate surgery.

    But when an individual or a member of their family are affected by a medical error they should be compensated for pain, suffering and any negative effect on their lifestyle or their ability to earn a living.

    Call Jefferies Solicitors on 0333 358 3034 or fill out an online enquiry form to find out if you have grounds to make a no win no fee medical negligence claim. We offer years of experience in orthopaedic injury compensation and we know exactly what it takes to get the compensation you deserve.


    Orthopaedic surgery is extremely diverse and can refer to a mixture of mild and severe conditions. From traction to serious trauma or even amputation, the duties of the orthopaedic surgeon are wide-ranging, requiring in-depth specialist knowledge.

    This knowledge is key; not only in carrying out these procedures, but also diagnosing a variety of conditions and treating them in the right way. These conditions include:

    • Spinal injuries
    • Fractures and broken bones
    • Joint reconstruction
    • Trauma and impact injuries
    • Bone infections and tumours
    • Soft tissue injuries
    • Musculoskeletal issues
    • Congenital conditions

    All orthopaedic surgeons are trained extensively and in most cases, they provide the right treatment and patients make a full recovery. Unfortunately, sometimes mistakes happen and when they do patients can suffer prolonged, catastrophic, even lifelong problems.


    There are many ways that a surgical procedure can go wrong. Some of the most complications due to orthopaedic surgery negligence include:

    • Missed fractures
    • Inadequately treated fractures
    • Misread X-Rays
    • Surgical infections
    • Bone inflammation
    • Hip dysplasia
    • Nerve or spinal damage


    With years of experience in the field, our orthopaedic surgery negligence solicitors understand just how catastrophic surgical accidents can be. We also appreciate that the effects of medical negligence can have long-term, even lifelong consequences.


    In addition to health and mobility problems, and the subsequent inability to work and earn income, medical negligence can lead to depression and other psychological problems. Individuals place immense trust in medical professionals and it can be immensely stressful when they are let down.


    Our clinical negligence solicitors have already managed many successful compensation claims. Our help allows the patient and their family to focus on important clinical matters while we deal with the legal aspect of the process on their behalf. We will collect evidence to support the claim and seek the help of expert medical advisors to build the best possible claim on your behalf. Their insight will also ensure that you receive the right amount of compensation to support all of your ongoing needs for care.


    If you have been affected by orthopaedic surgical negligence which occurred as the result of an accident which was not your fault, the experts at Jefferies Solicitors can build the best possible case on your behalf to get the compensation you deserve. But we can also help you to adjust to your new circumstances, get the best possible medical attention and access trusted, proven rehabilitation services.


    Call us today on 0333 358 3034 for more information. It’s up to you to start the process by talking to one of our friendly and helpful advisors today. You might have suffered pain and discomfort in the aftermath of surgery, or you may have to care for a relative who is living with a disability or serious injury since a surgical procedure which went wrong – in either case, we are here to help you claim the compensation you deserve.