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    Why Should I Claim Compensation For An Accident At Work?

    With talks of a recent boom in ‘compensation culture’, you may be wary about taking steps towards a compensation claim. These feelings may be increased if pursuing a claim means making a stand against an employer you are loyal to. Before you turn your back on the compensation you deserve, consider the following reasons for claiming following an accident in the workplace.

    The compensation is waiting for you

    If you’ve recently returned to work after suffering a personal injury in the workplace, the last thing you’ll want is to create tension with your employer. One of the most common misconceptions about workplace accident claims is that your boss will be responsible for paying the bill. This isn’t the case. Legally, all employers must have insurance to cover their employees in the event of an accident. Your employer will be paying out large insurance premiums in case an employee wants to claim compensation following an accident. They should not be left out of pocket.

    The claims process can be quick and easy

    If you dread the thought of lengthy court cases and the hassle of completing paperwork, you needn’t worry. The claims process is quick and straightforward. A team of professional lawyers will take care of all the complicated legal matters and leave you to recover or get on with your life. It takes just a matter of minutes for a solicitor to start the claims process once they have assessed the likelihood of your case succeeding. You will be advised of the information you will need to source and provide your legal team during your claim.

    Contact one of our experts on 0333 358 3034 to discuss claiming compensation for your accident at work.

    Financial compensation will assist following lost earnings

    The cost of having an accident in the workplace can go far beyond the emotional stress. A personal injury often takes its toll on personal or family finances too. Your usual salary may be affected if you are unable to work. Alternatively, you may have racked up large bills on medication, rehabilitation treatment or transport. A successful compensation claim will reimburse you for these expenses and provide additional financial help. This will help to compensate for the inconvenience and distress caused by your illness.

    Get closure following your accident

    Although money cannot repair the pain and upset caused by a personal injury, financial compensation can bring much-needed closure following a traumatic accident that was not your fault. Until you have secured the compensation you deserve, it is common to feel that the individual responsible for your personal injury has simply ‘got away with it’.

    Many accidents are eligible for compensation

    If you were injured in a workplace accident that wasn’t your fault, it is likely that you can claim. There are many different scenarios that can lead to substantial personal injury. Whether you work in the relatively safe environment of an office or on a more hazardous construction site, injuries can still occur. Here are a few examples of common causes of accidents in the workplace:

    • Slips, trips and falls can occur anywhere. You could slip on a wet floor surface that hasn’t been highlighted or trip on a poorly maintained pavement. Each of these accidents could result in you ending up in a hospital with a fracture.
    • Vehicular accidents are a frequent source of workplace pain. Forklift trucks, electric carts, trucks and tractors are all highly dangerous when not used carefully. Injuries commonly arise from not wearing the provided seatbelts and trying to exit a vehicle whilst it is still moving. Simply jumping from a driver’s cab can lead to a serious fall or broken ankle.
    • Electric shocks are another common cause of both minor and major workplace injuries. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that all electrical equipment is frequently inspected. These inspections should reduce the risk of shock, though this risk increases if you work with electricity outdoors.
    • Accidents in the commercial kitchen make up a large percentage of personal injury claims. Even the most diligent chef can find themselves a victim of a careless accident due to the negligence of someone else. Injuries typically include lacerations and burns.
    • Chemical leaks can be devastating if not handled carefully. With an increasing number of businesses dealing with hazardous substances, the number of compensation claims related to chemical leaks is rising. Injuries include burns, skin irritation and breathing difficulties.

    Contact one of our experts on 0333 358 3034 to discuss claiming compensation for your accident at work. 


    Start your compensation claim with Jefferies today. You can either call us free on 0800 098 8089 or enquire online and one of our team will be in touch with you to discuss your potential personal injury claim in more detail, on an informal and confidential basis.


    Where next? Read:

    Accident at Work Claims

    Warehouse Accident Claims

    Make a claim now by calling 0333 358 3034 or

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