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    Warehouse Accident claims

    If you work in a warehouse and have been injured in any kind of accident while at work then you may be able to make a warehouse accident claim. A personal injury claim must be made within a strict 3-year time limit. We recommend that you contact us as soon as possible.

    If the accident was not your fault then your claim could be valid.

    To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form.

    Warehouse Accident Types

    The nature of warehouse work is physical and requires lots of moving about, moving objects and loading vehicles and pallets. There are, therefore, a number of different kinds of accidents that can occur while you are working in a warehouse and for which it is possible to make warehouse accident claims.

    • Falling from height accidents can often happen in a warehouse setting and they often have very serious consequences. Moving boxes from loading bays and off trucks can present a risk of falling. The Health and Safety Executive states that working from heights must always be avoided if possible and this is written into the Work at Height Regulations 2005 which must be adhered to by all employers.
    • Incidents involving forklift trucks are a common kind of warehouse accident. There is specific FLT training that must be performed for all those who are operating these kinds of vehicles. It is the duty of an employer to ensure this training is completed and up-to-date as well as ensuring operators have an FLT licence.
    • Slipping or tripping in the workplace can be more of a risk in a warehouse environment as it is often the hub of activity with lots of objects being transported around. Objects left on the ground, wires not tied up or put away and spillages can often lead to these kinds of accidents.
    • Being hit by a moving or falling object is also not uncommon. If items have not been stacked correctly or too many have been stacked on top of one another then this can also lead to an accident.
    • The risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals and substances can be greater in some warehouses than others depending on the kind of objects being transported. The effects of chemicals can vary depending on the type of chemical you have come into contact with. If dangerous substances are used regularly then employers must comply with the HSE’s Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
    • Exposure to loud noises that over time results in noise-induced hearing loss or industrial deafness.

    Warehouse Injuries

    There are many different types of injuries that can take place in a warehouse these are just a few that can take place that you could potentially make a compensation claim for.

    • Dislocations
    • Broken or fractured bones
    • Limb and joint injuries
    • Amputation
    • Head or brain injuries
    • Spinal Cord injuries
    • Loss of eyesight
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Loss of hearing
    • Tinnitus
    • Manual handling injuries
    • Sprains, strains, pulled muscles, torn ligaments
    • Cuts and bruises
    • Burns
    • Back, neck or shoulder strain or sprain

    Your Employer’s Duty

    No matter what kind of working environment, employers should always make sure that their staff are protected as much as possible. They must carry out the necessary risk assessments and ensure that all equipment is maintained sufficiently to prevent any accidents.

    There are a number of precautionary measures employers and employees can take to help prevent the risk of an accident in a warehouse:

    • Ensure there is proper supervision in the workplace
    • Provide workers with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) which might include safety goggles, gloves and work boots
    • Display easily visible warning signs where necessary
    • Ensure staff are properly trained in how to use equipment and potential workplace hazards
    • Make sure items are put away or stacked properly
    • Make sure there are no obstacles that could cause slips, trips or falls

    Warehouse Worker Injuries

    Warehouse worker injuries can often be severe. Falling and manual handling accidents can lead to head injuries, spinal damage and/or broken bones. Exposure to harmful substances can be very serious and sometimes fatal and if you have been in an FLT accident you could have experienced crushing injuries.

    Any of these injuries may mean that you are not able to carry on with your job are suffering from psychological as well as physical disablement. A personal injury claim will take into account the amount of pain and suffering and it will also consider any medical expenses you have paid for and any loss of earnings you have suffered as a result of your injuries.

    What to do when you’ve had a warehouse accident

    •  Seek medical attention. If you are in a lot of pain or believe your injuries are serious you should immediately go to the hospital where they can assess your condition and assess your injuries. If you believe that you are not seriously hurt, you should still aim to visit your GP as soon as possible. This not only helps to ensure your safety, but it also ensures that a record is created which can be used as evidence during the claims process.
    • If you are not too seriously injured immediately following your accident, you should aim to take pictures of the accident scene which can later be used to highlight the faults in the workplace and attribute blame in the case. If you have had to go to hospital, you could potentially ask a co-worker to take the photographs for you or you could return at a later date to take these photographs if possible. You should also take photographs of your injuries if possible, to document the severity of your circumstance.
    • The accident should be recorded in the workplace accident book which is a legal requirement for all businesses to have. Accidents are usually recorded in great detail in the accident book which helps to ensure that another record of the incident is recorded. However, you should also aim to make a record of the incident yourself as soon as possible, such as in a journal or diary. By making a record as close to the event as possible, it helps to ensure that you do not forget any crucial events while recording the event in lots of detail so that facts cannot be misremembered either.

    Making Warehouse Accident Claims

    To learn more and to discuss your potential claim in confidence, contact our team on 0333 358 3034. Alternatively, complete our online contact form to arrange an initial no-obligation telephone consultation with a member of our expert team.

    Where next? Read:

    Warehouse Claims Guide

    4 Things You Should Know About Warehouse Accidents

    Does Your Warehouse Stack Up?

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