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Best practices for using the roads (to keep you and those around you safe) 

Best practices for using the roads (to keep you and those around you safe). Whether you are a pedestrian, a driver or cyclist it is important to be aware of road safety regulations to keep safe. While most people are taught about road safety at school, this can often be forgotten as we get older...

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jogging person

Jogging and Walking Safety Tips

Staying Safe on the Pavement With recent reports claiming that walking has been the most popular new activity with three in ten (30%) introducing this into their lockdown regimes, followed in popularity by jogging,-staying safe on the pavement whilst walking or jogging is more important and rele...

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Staying Safe – Assault During lockdown

Staying Safe - from Assault During Lockdown  With empty shops and office buildings and quieter streets, the current pandemic has led to an increase in opportunist crime such as burglary and mugging.  Such as the reported increase in car break-ins. Staying safe in the current climate means keepin...

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6 Misconceptions about Accidents

Misconceptions about Accidents Have you been in an accident or would you like to know more about exactly how common accidents occur? Then this blog will take you through two common misconceptions about two specific types of accidents – accidents at work and car accidents – to highlight misconcep...

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tired man

Quick labour supply leads to negligence

Temporary Workers Personal injury claims-As A Result of Lack of Training When lockdown came into force, many industries ground to a halt and those that could have adjusted to the new normal of remote working. Then there have been the well-documented businesses who have had to carry on supporting...

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How Does Your Warehouse Stack Up?

How does your warehouse stack up? A Short Guide To Warehouse safety Whether you’re a warehouse owner and operator or an employee it’s important to keep on top of health and safety regulations regarding your place of work to make sure that everyone stays safe.  What are the main causes of accide...

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cycling Accidents

5 Things You Didn't Know About Cycling Accidents Cyclists can be particularly vulnerable to being involved in a serious road accident. Therefore, it is useful for all cyclists to be as well informed as possible about personal injury claims relating to cycling accidents and what to do in the even...

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man thinking

Accident in 140 characters (more or less)

  Over the next couple of weeks, we're going to produce a series of blogs, for you, to try and explore some of the legal terminologies used. Why? Simply to try and make things more understandable. This week's topic is  'What is An Accident?’   What Is An Accident? You could go with t...

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E-scooters get the go ahead (a trial one)

E-Scooters A good idea(or not) Birmingham and Coventry have been chosen for an e-scooter trail with an emphasis on how they can be used safely. E-scooters look stylish and are a novel way of traveling, and are a greener way of getting about but they can be extremely dangerous as we have highl...

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